On the Figures of Suppression 1

Echeverría, M. (2020). Footnotes on the Figures of Suppression: Footnote 1 – Propaganda Accounting.

This footnote represents several aspects of my efforts as an independent researcher. It took several weeks to write, and is to some extent a result of private studies in mathematical statistics earlier that year. It is a critique and reevaluation of my earlier work, which culminates in a novel theoretical framework. Journalism and propaganda are perceived in terms of accounting, and given a stochastic articulation. This paper also is an expression of my commitment to the pursuit of truth, especially when it is threatened by power. I show that the central thesis of a propaganda model (e.g. Herman & Co, 2002), can be rigorously tested and accepted, beyond a mere failure to reject it. I also prove that journalism on the Assange case in the Swedish nation-wide press 2011-2016, is propaganda.

It starts from common-knowledge concepts, and builds from there.

Note: Date is year of publication, for archive.

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